How to Get a Layer Cake, Charm Squares and Jelly Roll Strips Out of a Fat Quarter

I am excited to share with you a little tip I learned. I recently bought a bundle of Aloha Girls Fat Quarters by Fig & Tree for Moda, which I shared in my last post. 

I am still searching for patterns, (and probably will be for a few weeks to come), to use these fabrics for a quilt I want to make for my cousin; a soon-to-be-second-grader, who lives in Chicago. 

This is a typical quandary I often have. Do I purchase pre-cut jelly rolls, layers cakes, charm packs, yardage or some other type of pre-cut? I don’t like to waste fabric, and I am very budget conscious. That said, I usually purchase fat quarter bundles or yardage, when I find that, “must have” fabric, but I haven’t found that “perfect pattern” for the fabric.

I searched the internet and found these diagrams that are helpful. The first one shows how to efficiently cut yardage into two fat quarters. A fat quarter is usually 18″ X 22″, so this is an inch shy of a true fat quarter.

This great diagram below, shows how to divide a fat quarter into 2 layer cake squares, (10″ X 10″), 4 charm squares, (5″ X 5″), and one jelly roll strip, (2.5″ X 20″ long).

Linking up with Late Night Quilter Tuesday Tips and Tutorials.

Enjoy this tip and the rest of the week!!  Happy Quilting.

9 thoughts on “How to Get a Layer Cake, Charm Squares and Jelly Roll Strips Out of a Fat Quarter

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